Boa noite a todos, Teremos amanhã, 4 de Dezembro, quarta-feira, pelas 16:00, na sala V1.08, Pavilhão de Civil, IST Alameda, a apresentação e discussão da tese de mestrado da Mariana Costa, "Simulation based approach to bacterial evolution". Resumo: The aim of this study is firstly to provide scientific background relating to phylogenetic tracking of bacterial genome through existing models that simulate the effective behavior, serving as source of assessing how to infer the true population structure. Understanding bacterial population genetics and evolution is key in epidemic outbreak studies and surveillance of infectious diseases. Current literature focuses on several theories and mathematical models regarding this issue, namely the Wright-Fisher model, the Infinite alleles model and the Coalescent model. A practical application is also studied by means of SimBac, a simulation software. Taking this into consideration, the question lies on whether it is possible to accurately portrait the relationship between a given sample of individuals taken from the population, via phylogenetic inference algorithms. In this manner, we will focus our analysis on UPGMA, Neighbor-Joining, goeBURST Full MST, GrapeTree and two Bayesian approaches, BAPS and ClonalFrame. Of course, all of them yield different graph structures and therefore, the need to compare graphs has risen and several metrics were established and researched, such as the Robinson Foulds distance. The theoretical analysis exposed in the first sections supports practical applicability, such as the implementation of an algorithm that simulates bacterial behavior and several experiments that are evaluated in an attempt of concluding on the ability of phylogenetic algorithms when applied in diverse situations that simulate a real environment. Saudações, Alexandre Francisco