Boa tarde a todos, Teremos no dia 14 de Novembro, quinta-feira, pelas 16:30, na sala 0.19, Pavilhão de Informática II, IST Alameda, a apresentação e discussão da tese de mestrado do João Ferreira Alves, "Cache-oblivious nested loops based on Hilbert curves". Resumo: Many fields of computer science, especially data science and artificial intelligence, are becoming challenged with an immeasurable amount of data to process. The recent work developed by Böhm et al. presents us a novelty in the field of the algorithms, a Cache-Oblivious Nested For-Loop. This algorithm allows programmers to optimize the cache behaviour of nested for-loops, without any need of knowledge about the CPU cache specifications. In this thesis we will provide an efficient alternative approach to this algorithm, which we called XOR-Hilbert. Our algorithm presents a linear growth-rate of memory and time. The use of memory makes our algorithm stateful, thus allowing the re-utilization of previously computed Hilbert Space-Filling Curves. Which allows the time required to compute another iteration of this curve to be amortized. Saudações, Alexandre Francisco