Bom dia a todos, Teremos no dia 17 de Dezembro, segunda-feira, pelas 11:00, na sala P3, IST Alameda, a apresentação e discussão da tese de mestrado do Bernardo Lopo Fernandes, "An analysis of the Geodesic Distance and other comparative metrics for tree-like structures". Abstract: Graphs are interesting structures: extremely useful to depict real life problems, extremely easy to understand given a sketch, extremely complicated to represent formally, extremely complicated to compare. Phylogeny is the study of the relations between biological entities. From it, the interest in comparing tree graphs grew more than in other fields of science. Since there is no definitive way to compare them, multiple distances were formalised over the years since the early sixties, when the first effective numerical method to compare dendrograms was described. This work consists in formalising, completing (with original work) and give an universal notation to analyse and compare the discriminatory power and time complexity of computing the thirteen here formalised metrics. We also present a new way to represent tree graphs, reach deeper in the details of the Geodesic Distance and discuss its worst case time complexity in a suggested implementation. Our contribution ends up as a clean, valuable resource for anyone looking for an introduction to comparative metrics for tree graphs. Saudações, Alexandre Francisco